Udyamregistration.gov.in is the only Government Portal for registration of MSME (Udyam). It is an official portal to register a new MSME or to re-register already registered EM-II (Entrepreneurs Memorandum, Part-II) or UAM (Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum).
The Ministry of Micro, Small Medium Enterprises maintains this portal. It gives the details and steps relating to registration and makes the registration process easy for any person. It provides for free of cost and paperless registration. It is a user-friendly portal. MSMEs means micro, small and medium enterprises.
An enterprise whose investment in plant, machinery and equipment does not exceed one crore, and turnover does not exceed five crores is a micro enterprise. An enterprise whose investment in plant, machinery and equipment does not exceed ten crores, and turnover does not exceed fifty crores is a small enterprise.
An enterprise whose investment in plant, machinery and equipment does not exceed fifty crores, and turnover does not exceed two hundred and fifty crores is medium enterprise.
Home Page Of The Portal
On typing the URL https://udyamregistration.gov.in/, the home page of the portal opens as shown below.
The home page shows “Udyam Registration” heading below which are the links to register for new entrepreneurs who are not registered as MSME and Re-register for those already having registration as EM-II or UAM. The tabs on the home page are –
- NIC Code
- Useful Documents
- Print/Verify
- Update Details
- Login
Registration Process
For registering for new entrepreneurs, click the button “For New Entrepreneurs who are not Registered yet as MSME or those with EM-II” shown on the home page. For those already having UAM registration and want to migrate to Udyam or Re-Register UAM, click the button “For those already having registration as or “For those already having registration as UAM through Assisted filing”.
When “For New Entrepreneurs who are not Registered yet as MSME or those with UAM-II” is clicked, it opens the registration page. For registering, a person needs to enter the Aadhaar Number and name of the entrepreneur in the columns provided in the page and click the button “Validate & Generate OTP”.
After clicking this button, PAN card details are to be filled and after verification of PAN card and filling udyam registration details, registration is complete. If entrepreneurs do not have a PAN card, they can proceed to fill udyam registration details and registration will be complete.
When “For those already having registration as EM-II or UAM”.or “For those already having registration as UAM through Assisted filing” is clicked, it opens the registration page. For registering, a person needs to enter the Udyog Aadhaar Number and an OTP option should be selected.
The options provided are to obtain OTP on mobile or on email as filled in UAM. After choosing the OTP Options, click the button “Validate & Generate OTP”. After entering OTP, registration details are to be filled and udyam registration will be complete.
Instructions For Registration Process
The portal provides instructions for the registration process. It is at the end of the page in the portal, in the form of points. These points give details of form for registration, instructions regarding Aadhaar details filling by the partnership firm, company, society and trust.
It states that no enterprise shall have more than one Udyam Registration. If anyone misrepresents or attempts to suppress facts, they shall be liable to penalty under the specified Act. It also provides points instructions for existing enterprises registered under EM-II or UAM.
Details Of The Portal
The home page gives details about the portal under the heading “Welcome for MSME (Udyam) Registration”. It states the details of the URL of the portal. MSME registration is free of cost and any portal or agency asking for a fee is not a Government agency. It provides eight domains which redirect to this portal.
NIC Code
NIC Code is the first tab on the home page which opens a PDF File in a new tab. The PDF is about “National Industrial Classification (All Economic Activities)” of 2008 by the Central Statistical Organisation, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation. It has all the details relating to the National Industrial Classification (NIC). NIC is a statistical standard for maintaining and developing a comparable database according to the economic activities.
Useful Document
When we click on this tab on the home page, it shows eight sub-options. They are –
- Important
- Site Highlight
- Circular & Orders
- Sample Form for Registration with PAN YES
- Sample Form for Registration with PAN NO
- Guidelines for CGSSD
- Udyam Registration Bulletin
- Important Communication
Important Option
When “Important” is clicked, it opens a page with points under headings of ‘Important to know’, ‘Must Know’ and ‘Must Follow’.
‘Important to know’ specifies criteria that classify an enterprise into a micro, small and medium enterprise. It also provides a link that opens a PDF containing a detailed legal framework for the classification of MSMEs and the procedure for its registration in both English and Hindi.
‘Must know’ states that a permanent Registration Number is given after registration. A Certificate is issued after registration with a dynamic QR code. There is no need for renewal of registration and no fee for registration.
‘Must follow’ states that there is no requirement of documents for registration. PAN and GST information of enterprises are taken from the Government database. Having PAN and GST is mandatory by 01.04.2021 for registration. No enterprise shall have more than one Udyam Registration.
Site Highlight Option
The “Site Highlight” option gives the highlights of the site. The main highlights are that the registration takes place without any paper, proof or document as full integration with Government databases has already been done in the portal.
The portal has integration with GeM, Government e-Market Place, Central Public Procurement Portal (CPPP) & various other State Government portals. This integration gives MSMEs access to their Market Place, e-Tender process and other benefits and services.
The portal has integration with TReDS & MSME SAMADHAAN Portal, which helps MSMEs while dealing with Delayed MSME Payments. Various other schemes and benefits of the Ministry of MSME are accessible through Udyam Registration Number.
Circular & Orders Option
“Circular & Orders” opens the page containing the circulars and orders relating to MSME issued by the Government. Every notification issued by the Government till date along with their date of issue is present in this tab. Clicking on these notifications opens the PDF, which shows its contents.
Sample Form for Registration with PAN YES
This option opens a PDF file containing the steps of the udaym registration process for entrepreneurs who have PAN card along with screenshots of the steps of the registration process.
Sample Form for Registration with PAN NO
This option opens a PDF file containing the steps of the udyam registration process for entrepreneurs who do not have PAN card along with screenshots of the steps of the registration process.
Guidelines for CGSSD
This option opens a PDF file guidelines for Credit Guarantee Scheme for Subordinate Debt (CGSSD) for stressed or NPA MSMEs. This document provides for guarantee coverage for the CGSSD to provide sub-debt support in respect of the restructuring of MSMEs.
Udyam Registration Bulletin
This option provides sub options of Udyam Registration Bulletin I and Udyam Registration Bulletin II. When clicked on the Udyam Registration Bulletin I or II, it opens the pdf of the Analysis of Udyam Registration Data for a particular period.
Important Communication
This option contains announcements made by the Ministry of MSME on social media.
This tab consists the below sub-options:
- Print Udyam Certificate
- Verify Udyam Registration Number
- Print UAM Certificate
- Print UAM Application
- Verify Udyog Aadhaar
- Forgot Udyam/UAM Number
“Print Udyam Certificate” opens the page to print the Udyam Registration Certificate after obtaining Registration Number. The instructions to get the certificate is on the right side of the page. The Registration Number is entered in the first column of the left side of the page.
The mobile number provided in the Udyam Registration application is to be entered in the second column. An OTP option should be selected next. The options provided are to obtain OTP on mobile or on email as filled in the application. After choosing the OTP Options, click the button “Validate & Generate OTP”.
OTP is received as per the option selected. Enter OTP in the OTP column and click on “Validate & Print” button. After verifying OTP, it will auto redirect to the Print Certificate page, and the certificate can be printed from the page.
“Print UAM Certificate” page provides for printing ‘Udyog Aadhaar Registration Certificate’ by entering UAM Number, Mobile Number as per UAM and clicking the ‘Submit’ button.
“Print UAM Application” page provides for printing ‘Udyog Aadhaar Application Data’ by entering UAM Number, Mobile Number as per UAM and clicking the ‘Submit’ button.
“Verify Udyog Aadhaar” provides for verifying UAM by entering UAM Number, verification code provided in the page and clicking the ‘Verify’ button.
“Forgot Udyam/UAM Number” option opens the page where the users can obtain the Udyam/UAM number by entering their Mobile number or E-mail. The users need to first select the Registration Option of either “Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum” or “Udyam Registration”. Then, the users need to choose the OTP option to receive OTP on Mobile or Email.
The users need to write their Mobile or Email provided in the UAM or Udyam Registration application in the third column and click on the “Validate & Generate OTP” button. OTP is received as per the option selected. Enter OTP in the OTP column and click on the “Validate OTP” button. After verifying OTP, all the registered numbers will be provided.
The login tab has two options – “Officer’s Login” and “Udyami Login”
The “Officer’s Login” opens the page for logging by the Officer’s by entering their User ID, Password, Valid Verification Code as given in Captcha Image and clicking the “Login” button.