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/generate gst eway bills

How to Generate E Way Bills? | Create E Way Bills on the EWay Bill Portal

The ewaybill (EWB) portal provides a seamless gateway to generate eWay bills (single and consolidated options), change vehicle number on the already generated EWB , cancel generated EWBs and many more… 

Eway bills in EWB-01 can be generated by either of two methods-

  1. On the Web
  2. Via SMS
  3. Through e-Invoicing

This article focuses on the step-by-step process of generating the eway bills on the e way bill portal (web-based).

Prerequisites for e-Way Bill Generation

There are some prerequisites for generating an eway bill (for any method of generation):

  1. Registration on the EWB portal
  2. The Invoice/ Bill/ Challan related to the consignment of goods must be in hand.
  3. If transport is by road – Transporter ID or the Vehicle number.
  4. If transport is by rail, air, or ship – Transporter ID, Transport document number, and date on the document.


Steps to generate e-Way Bill on the e-Way Bill portal

Here is a step by step Guide to Generate EWay Bill (EWB-01) online:

Step 1: Login to the eway bill system.

Enter the Username, password and Captcha code, Click on ‘Login’.

E-way bill system

SStep 2: Click on ‘Generate new’ under ‘E-waybill’ option appearing on the left-hand side of the dashboard.

generate new under E-waybill option

Step 3: Enter the following fields on the screen that appears:

E-way bill entry form

  1. Transaction Type: Select ‘Outward’ if you are a supplier of consignment Select ‘Inward’ if you are a recipient of consignment.
  2. Sub-type: Select the relevant sub-type applicable to you: If transaction type selected is Outward, following subtypes appear:

sub typeIf transaction type selected is Inward, following subtypes appear: if transaction type selected is inwardNote: SKD/CKD- Semi knocked down condition/ Complete knocked down condition 

3. Document type: Select either of Invoice / Bill/ challan/ credit note/ Bill of entry or  others if not Listed

4. Document No. : Enter the document/invoice number

5. Document Date: Select the date of Invoice or challan or Document.

Note: The system will not allow the user to enter the future date.

6. From/ To: Depending on whether you are a supplier or a recipient, enter the To / From section details.

from to section details

Note: If the supplier/client is unregistered, then mention ‘URP’ in the field GSTIN, indicating that the supplier/client is an ‘Unregistered Person’.

7. Item Details: Add the details of the consignment (HSN code-wise) in this section:

  1. Product name
  2. Description
  3. HSN Code
  4. Quantity,
  5. Unit,
  6. Value/Taxable value
  7. Tax rates of CGST and SGST or IGST (in %)
  8. Tax rate of Cess, if any charged (in %)

item details

Note: On the implementation of Eway bills, Based on the details entered here, corresponding entries can also be auto-populated in the respective GST Return while filing on the GST portal. 

8. Transporter details: The mode of transport(Road/rail/ship/air) and the approximate distance covered (in KM) needs to be compulsorily mentioned in this part. Apart from above, either of the details can be mentioned:

  1. Transporter name, transporter ID, transporter Doc. No. & Date; or
  2. Vehicle number in which consignment is being transported

Format: AB12AB1234 or AB12A1234 or AB121234 or ABC1234.

transporter details

Note: For products, clients/customers, suppliers, and transporters that are used regularly, first update the ‘My masters’ section also available on the login dashboard and then proceed. 

Step 4: Click on ‘Submit’. The system validates data entered and throws up an error if any.

Otherwise, your request is processed and the eway bill in Form EWB-01 form with a unique 12 digit number is generated.

The eway bill generated looks like this:

e way bill generate

Print and carry the eway bill for transporting the goods in the selected mode of transport and the selected conveyance.

You can print the eway bill anytime as follows:

Step-1: Click on ‘Print EWB’ sub-option under ‘e-Waybill’ option

print eway bill

Step-2: Enter the relevant eway bill number -12 digit number and click on ‘Go’

enter the relevant eway bill number

Step-3: Click on ‘Print’ or ‘detailed print’ button on the EWB that appears:

print e-way bill

EasyTax offers a wide range of services in GST compliances such as Invoicing, Preparation and filing of returns and the latest addition to this list is preparing and generating ‘E-Way Bill’. EasyTax EWayBill helps you:

  • Avoid multiple login for separate States & Branch level Access control by providing users with a centralised login for EWB generation
  • Accurately estimate distance for e-way bill validity via inbuilt distance calculator with an option to edit also
  • Bulk update Transporter details for the documents issued without punching data again
  • Avoid errors through in-built validations, improved User experience and Intelligent Reports

For Further Reading and Understanding on E-Way Bill:

  1. How to Generate, Modify or Delete E-Way Bill using SMS?
  2. What are Consolidated eway bills and how to generate the same?

Frequently Asked Questions